Grit N Wit is a unique on-campus team event involving physical obstacles and mental challenges. It's designed to level the playing field, so whether you're gritty, witty, or somewhere in between, this course is for ALL participants to have a good time. We really do mean that, this event is for EVERYBODY.
WHEN: 5/9/2019 from 2 - 4 pm (add to calendar)
WHERE: The Athletic Fields
ABOUT YOUR TEAM: Start looking for your grittiest and wittiest friends. Teams of 2-6 with 4 being the optimal team size.
WHAT TO BRING: Wear clothes that are weather and activity-appropriate
BEST INSTAGRAM PHOTO: AWESOME PRIZES! - be sure to tag #GritNWitKingsborough19 to qualify
SHOWING UP: Register 24+ hours in advance, and be entered to win....AWESOME PRIZES!
Register early to be entered into a drawing to win... AWESOME PRIZES!
Grit obstacles test your strength, balance, agility, and coordination. Wit puzzles challenge your memory, problem solving, spatial awareness, and even math skills. Everyone can conquer all of obstacles, especially with the help of friends, so be sure to lend a hand or be ready to grab onto one!
Follow your event on Instagram and Twitter for contests leading up to the event! Don't forget to hashtag it! #GritNWitKingsborough19
"Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself you have no limits."
Brian Tracy
Not sure what to expect? Check out these videos highlighting recent events we held for other universities
© 2019 Grit 'N Wit. All Rights Reserved.